Release Date

Aug 11, 2023

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Big Doggy – Periyamulla Rap Lyrics

Big Doggy – Periyamulla Rap Lyrics in English

Periyamulla Specialty Nānagē Kottu
Hoyan Āvā Kello Goḍak Denna Maṭa Tottu
Gæṭa Gæhuvā Bīc Eke Vællē Sangamē
Atal Apiṭa Brō Ada Vaṭa Vandamē

Vællē Dæmme Oṭṭu
Onḍu Irnḍu Mūnu
Jāti Bēda Næ Kōvilē Tibbā Mama Poṭṭu
Nuvara Fīls Vage
Bas Tava Bīc
Hita Nidahas Māra Kollō Plīs

Macaṁ Periya Mulla Handiyen Māva Bassanna
Gedara Yanna Kalin Veri Ṭika Hindanna
Kostā Væḍi Karalā Ganin Munva Paddanna
Ræpaṭa Banina Un Pōlimaṭa Dakkanna

Maruvæl Bædalā Māla Karalā Tuvakkuva
Eliyaṭa Āvā Kollō Āsa Muḍukkuva
Mē Ræpa Tamayi Uḍa Nagina Tarappuva
Avvē Kaṭṭa Kǣvat Gevena Kabal Sereppuva

Um̆balā Lejanḍ Karapu Carita Etana Palvelā
Pækēj Valaṭa Sindu Gahalā Avatæn Velā
Bōṭṭuven Itāli Pænalā Yālu Gal Velā
Ænṭā Laga Unnā Nam Ada Veddī Hadat Allā

Kal Ikut Nǣ Tāma Særa Bāla
Oṭō Payilaṭ Ekē Danna Nisā Pāra
Ovarḍōs Hip Hop Balapaṁ Nahara
Gahapu Gēma Anuva Tamayi Mēkē Praticāra

Periyamulla Specialty Nānagē Kottu…

Aḍipuḍi Ekka Bahinna Bǣ Tāma Sihivikal
Hirigaḍu Pipena Dækkot Nuvara Pāra Nakals
Supiriyaṭa Dennam Ōn Ṭæp Æriyā Mallē
Māt Bæssā Ēnam Handiya Periyamullē

Meheṭa Bæhæpu Næti Unṭa Talanna Ōna Kasa Valin
Eliyē Vagēma Ætulē Næhæ Ṭræfik Vasa Visa Valin
Vel Pænṭā Aḍi Kōṭi Gahalā Viski Brænḍi
Śōyi Bāyi Ekē Pæddā Kalapuvē Jeṭ Skī

Issō Vaḍa Masa Kaḍa Mas Kaḍa
Duśkara Nǣ 24 Havarsma Bas Væḍa
Brovn Bīc Bahina Suppā Kǣli Dækkada
Sæpa Kanē Kollō Hinā Venne Dālā
Kok Haḍa

Mepiṭa Sura Lōkē Atamiṭa Saruyi Yahamin
Pora Kukul Sāmpal Dāpu Samaharak Tāma Dahamin
Ræpē Sudu Malli Mekē Tamayi Dæmmē Kōmē
Ubalaṭa Mīgamuva Maṭa Kiyavennēma Lil Rōmē

Vagakīmen Karunak
Hoyalā Balapaṁ Boru Nam
Hitalā Mæruvā Neveyi
Ibēṭama Vadan Mærunā
Itihāsē Ek Vū Vagayi
Māgampura Væsiyek Genahæra Pǣvā
Gayiyā Ada Mīgamu Varunā

Periyamulla Specialty Nānagē Kottu…

Ræpa Kotæna
Etana Tibbē Sæpa
Vaḍu Āśramayak Kota Nǣ Kæpa
Pacca Koṭalā Disneṭa Dālā Kæpa
Æs Æralā Tiyennē Muṁ
Gahalā Jæka

Hēṭarslā Væḍī
Varen Kiyanna Rahasak
Vakuṭu Velā Innavā Dakinna
Tamayi Un Āsā
Tirisan Gati Haṁgan Api Bōsat
Taṭu Gahana Davasaṭa Madi Mē Ahasat

Hambakarapu Dēṭa Vaḍā Næti Karapu Dēval Væḍī
Taniyema Duvalā Sellamē Maṭat Dæn Hati
Illuvet Ekama Deyayi Siruvamak Laga Væṭī
Dinana Davasaṭa Ammā Laga Unnānam Æti

Vahana Giyat Tada Pārē Kada Mīgamuvaṭa
Hitē Tibbē Gedarayi Lōkē Vaṭē Ræguvaṭa
Rævaṭenna Epā Suradūtayō Ata Vænuvaṭa
Mē Hulaga Sæpayi Maṭa Ǣṭa Rasnē Dænunaṭa

Big Doggy – Periyamulla Rap Lyrics English Meaning

Periyamulla SPECIALTY Nanage Kottu
Many girls came looking for me
Tied in the sand of the beach
Atal, we are going to visit Bro today

Bets were placed in the sand
Ondu Irndu face
There was no caste discrimination in the temple, I was pottu
Feels like the city
Bus more beach
Feel free guys please

Dude, drop me off at Periya Mulla Junction
Before going home, get some blood
Increase the cost and swing them
Put those who blame Rapa in line

The gun was chained and chained
Came out boys love the slum
This rapa is the tower that climbs up
The kabal sandal wears out even if it gets scorched by the sun

The characters you made legendary are stuck there
Displaced by playing songs for packages
The Italians escaped from the boat and got stoned
If you were near Anta, your heart will be seized today

Not expired, still very young
The road because it knows on autopilot
Overdose hip hop influence veins
The responses are based on the game played

Periyamulla Specialty Nanage Kottu…

Can’t get down with foot steps, still conscious
If you see Hirigadu blooming, Kandy road knuckles
I will give it to the super on tap open bag
I also got off at the junction Periyamulla

Those who have not come here should be beaten with whips
Traffic poisons inside and outside
Well Panta is a 100% whiskey brandy
Jet ski in Shoi Bai paddy lagoon

Shrimp Vada Masa Kad Meat Shop
Not difficult, 24 hours bus service
Have you seen the pieces of soup coming down Brown Beach?
The boys are laughing happily
The sound of the cock

In this beautiful world, the palm of your hand is fertile
Some of the chicken samples are still religious
This is where the white brother of Rape was put
To you, Negombo sounds like Lil Rome to me

A matter of responsibility
Look and see if it is false
He didn’t kill on purpose
Words died automatically
It’s like joining in history
A resident of Magampura explained
Gaia arrived in Negombo today

Periyamulla Specialty Nanage Kottu…

Where is the rap?
There was pleasure
There is no carpentry ashram
The tattoos are visible and cut
Eyes are open
beat and jack

Haters are up
A secret to tell from time to time
See crouching
That’s what they like
We are bosats who hide the animal traits
Even this sky is not enough for the day of flapping wings

What was lost was more than what was gained
I feel like playing alone now
The only thing he asked for was a dead body
On the day of winning, I must have been with my mother

Even if it’s raining, it’s a tough road to Negombo
I had in mind to go home and around the world
Don’t be fooled by the angels waving
This breeze is so good that I feel her heat




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Written By




Hip Hop Wattuwa


Periyamulla (feat. Costa & Shan Putha)

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