Release Date

Jul 3, 2023

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Allanna Hollanna Mirikanna Lyrics

Allanna Hollanna Mirikanna Lyrics in English

Mama Sīsar Baṁ Maṭa Pēnṭa Bæ
Oya Pappala Hætta Burutta
Mage Sempatiyotbaṁ Aṭa Pās Ṭikayi
Mahacārya Gattē Horāṭa
Tara Taṭama Taṭama Puṭuva Gatte Dæn
Mærennet Mēke Nidāna
Topi Kǣ Gæhuvot Eka Eka Yavanava
Baṭalandat Dæn Lan̆gapāta

Hæma Velēma Pǣgena Redda
Mage Vaṭēma Taḍi Gon Hætta
Kliyōpæṭrā Tamayi Mage Kella
Dæn Tāleṭa Kiyapan Onna..

Lāla Lal Lal Lal Lal Lā//////

Oya Sādāraṇa Koṭāṭa Katā Karala Mama
Dunna Topiṭa Væḍa 12k
Topi Dinuvat Maṁ Mē Puṭuva Denne Nǣ
Yannǣ Dummala Gæhuvat
Ara Pappala Puppala Aragala Keruvot
Dāpiya Siṁhayonṭa Kanḍat
Topi Kanṭa Nætuva An̆ḍa An̆ḍa Idapiya
Mama Denne Nǣ Kakki Dānḍa Vaturat..
Oya Hampaḍa Nāki Vedāmayi Kǣvē
Mama Hangan Gæhuva Turumpu
Un Ariśṭe Bīla Mē Sebalu Guṭikǣve
Dæn Nam Unṭa Valippu..
Ara Vedāva Ussala Allan Vara
Oya Rahasa Dænagann Bambū
Dæn Īṭa Passe Topi Kǣ Gæhuvot
Mama Dennē Æda Venna Kombū..
Mage Mōḍa Sebalu Raṭa Vaṭēṭa Dānna
Pæyakaṭa Eka Pappa Gāne Mē Ussanna
Kliyōpæṭra Tǣgi Karapu Kim̆bullunṭa Rǣṭa Kanḍa
Pappa Gāne Ḍeval Karala Nayil Gagē Pā Karanna

Hæma Velēma Pǣgena Redda
Mage Vaṭēma Taḍi Gon Hætta
Kliyōpæṭrā Tamayi Mage Kella
Dæn Tāleṭa Kiyapan Onna..

Lāla Lal Lal Lal Lal Lā//////

(Ekek Ævilla Poḍḍa Poḍḍa Ḍān Ḍūn Keruvā
Mokakda Kivvē..mokut Nǣ…
Metana Labba Bæhæla Vagē In Nætuva
Gihilla Pappa Gama Vināsa Karanavā..

Ū Naṁ Kiyayi Pappala Allanna
Allanna Hollanna Mirikanna Vaḷalanna
Un Sæpa Ganna..api Guṭi Kanna
Un Raja Venna..api Hira Venna( Ēyi Ēyi)
Etakoṭa Balla Kukula Paraviya Mugaṭiya
Mun Pakśa Bedila Kelavila Makabǣvila
Raṭa Rotta Piṭin Kuṇuvela Hædigǣvila
Tavamat Burutu Piṭin Ahuvelā Rævaṭila
Mama Karagena Giya Maṭa Dunna Ḍiyuṭiya
Ara Sīsara Adinne Kola Pǣnṭiya
Oya Okkoma Dæn Mē Yāluvo Kaṭṭiya
Havasaṭa Bonne Ekaṭa Mē Sīni Plēnṭiya

Eka Deka Loku Loku Evunge Loku Ōḍar
Un Hari Sūstaren Pæna Pæna Bōḍar
Dæn Eka Mōstarē Tæna Tæna Marḍar
Dæn Ara Mehema Giyot Laṁkāva Ōvar Baṁ
Āścaryaya Koṭu Saramē
Redda Palla Pættvn Konakaṭa Bērunē
Raṭa Rakinna Maṁ Mē Āvē
Dæn Maṭa Kaḍē Gihin Æti Velānē
Mehe Māra Sīn Ban Vennē
Sīsar Naṁ Ātal Ekē Innē


Hurē Kiyanakoṭa Hemin Kiyapanko
Assaya Kulappu Venavā //

Mama Sīsar Baṁ Maṭa Pēnṭa Bæ
Oya Pappala Hætta Burutta
Mage Sempatiyotbaṁ Aṭa Pās Ṭikayi
Mahacārya Gattē Horāṭa
Tara Taṭama Taṭama Puṭuva Gatte Dæn
Mærennet Mēke Nidāna
Topi Kǣ Gæhuvot Eka Eka Yavanava
Baṭalandat Dæn Lan̆gapāta

Hæma Velēma Pǣgena Redda
Mage Vaṭēma Taḍi Gon Hætta
Kliyōpæṭrā Tamayi Mage Kella
Dæn Tāleṭa Kiyapan Onna..

Lāla Lal Lal Lal Lal Lā//////

Allanna Hollanna Mirikanna Lyrics English Meaning

I can’t see Caesar
That papala hatta burutta
My sempathiotbang eight passes
The professor was taken for a thief
He took the chair now
You will die if you sleep here
If you shout, they send one by one
The battalion is now approaching

Always step on the cloth
I’m surrounded by thick bulls
Cleopatra is my girl
Now tell the tune..

Lala lala lala lala lala/////

I have spoken to that Saadaran Kota
You are given 12 tasks
Even if you win, I will not give you this chair
It won’t go even if you hit the resin
If those pappala pappala struggle
Dapiya lions are angry
You cry without hearing
I won’t give you any water.
That Hampada Naki Vedamai ate
I beat Hangan and trumped me
They drank beer and beat these soldiers
Now they have seizures..
Pick up that medicine and hold it
Know that secret, Bambu
If you shout now and then
I will give you the combo to draw..
Put my stupid soldiers around the country
It costs one papa per hour to lift this
Cleopatra’s gift to the crocodiles eat at night
Pappa Gane devil and walk the Nile

Always step on the cloth
I’m surrounded by thick bulls
Cleopatra is my girl
Now tell the tune..

Lala lala lala lala lala/////

(One came and did a little dan doon
What did you say..nothing…
It’s like going down here without it
Go and destroy papa village..

He tells her to touch papala
Touch Shake Squeeze Bury
Let them enjoy themselves.. let’s beat them
Let them be king..Let us be imprisoned (hey hey)
Then the dog, chicken, pigeon, and moose
Those parties split into Kelawila and Makabewila
The country is littered with garbage
Still caught and deceived
The duty I was given to carry out
That Caesar pulls the green panty
All of you are now friends
Drink this sugar plenty in the evening

One or two is a big order for them
They jumped and jumped the boarder very skillfully
Now there is murder everywhere in one style
If this continues, Sri Lanka will be over
The miracle is in the box
Redda Palla was saved to a corner
I came here to protect the country
Now it’s time for me to go shopping
A great scene is happening here
Caesar is having fun


When you say hooray, say it slowly
The corner is locked //

I can’t see Caesar
That papala hatta burutta
My sempathiotbang eight passes
The professor was taken for a thief
He took the chair now
You will die if you sleep here
If you shout, they send one by one
The battalion is now approaching

Always step on the cloth
I’m surrounded by thick bulls
Cleopatra is my girl
Now tell the tune..

Lala lala lala lala lala/////




Produced by

Written By




DH Wave Music
