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Jul 15, 2024

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Barapathala Wada Sahitha Lyrics | Manamala Mahatha | Surangana Lyrics

Barapathala Wada Sahitha Lyrics | Manamala Mahatha | Surangana Lyrics in English

Embala Manamāla Mahata , Adin Passē Um̆ba Avasānayi
Min Matten ,hon̆da Kǣmak Kanna Vennǣ Rahaṭa
Noyekut Bænum Mæda , Inna Vennē Ivasānayi
Væḍa Ærunaṁ Pāṭi Bǣ Dæṁ ,gedara Varen Pahaṭa

Prēmē Kala Kālē Hamārayi Hændǣvē ,hæṁgī Kaluvarē,
Ada Pirivaraṁ Hitamitra ,nǣdǣ Sanuharē
Dǣvæddē Æn̆dum Ræg Ekak Tiyeda, Mū Ædumi Dæmmē Dorē
Um̆ba Poḍi Kollek Nemeyi ,dæn Hena Vagakīmak Karē…

Bænda Mula Kālē Prēmē Araṁ, Passedi Yamavaram
Kal Giyaṁ Uḍin Ædeyi ,dorē Dāpu Um̆be Saraṁ
Rædennepā Eka Mohotak ,huru Payen Sarama Araṁ
Duvapaṁ Kṣanikōma ,susantikā Varama Araṁ

Lassana Kelleka Dækkot Itiṁ ,balannǣ Mū Ē Pæti
Kiyalā Manamāli ,tāmat Hitan Æti
Nǣ Man Dæn Kiyannǣ ,dæn Kivva Dēval Æti
Tavat Dēval Kivvot Itiṁ ,bayē Væṭeyi Mūṭa Hati

Um̆bayi Mamayi Bedan Kǣvē ,eka Patē Eka Kehel Kolē
Adin Passē Aḍuveyida ,apē Ātal Nāpu Ælē Dolē
Ovu Um̆ba Sādhāraṇayi ,vagakīmen Bara Vēvi Molē
Kiri Piri Sīni Parippu Hoyanna ,um̆ba Yāvi Poḷē

Kiyapaṁ Ætta , Boru Tiyannepā Haṁgalā
Balannepā Dihā Vena, Bālikāvan Naṁgalā
Ran Tæli Bæn̆da ,ranin Muduvak Palandalā
Satuṭa Uturōpaṁ ,dukak Āvot Haṁgalā

Kasādē Liyanillak ,purṣa Kaṭa Piyavillak
Full Package Eka Ennē ,life Time Ena Kiyavillak
Ovu Eka Ælapillak , Ehā Mehā Vunot Vennē Vælapillak
Ārambhe Nælavillak , Passē Papu Kæḷabillak

Lori Piṭin Mēsa Puṭu Almāri ,dǣvædda Pirivaraṁ
Um̆ba Illuvotin Massinā Deyi ,ahasē Vunat Taru Araṁ
Ugē Gedarama Pālu Vēvi ,ivasanna Bæri Taram
Gedara Ranḍu Kekka ,yanō Nēda Um̆ba Araṁ

[ Hook – Moniyo ]
Suraṁganā, Svarūpen Genā,
Barapatala Væḍa Sahita Sira Daḍuvam!
Kændan Enā, Hurē Dāgenā,
Dæna Dænama Dæna Dænama Aran Naḍuvak! //

[ Rap – Jana | Dj Jnk ] | Reply To Moniyo

Uba Nodanīda Tani Yahanē Næta Sahanē,
Nāki Velā Bændot Sæpa Nætē Aḍapana Vē!
Jīvitē Keṭi Hari Kālē Næbandotin Ṭræk Panī!
Duka Sæpa Bedāganna Kenā Hari Hæṭi Danī!!

Tun Vēla…. Kanna Dennē Samūpakāra Kramēkaṭa Nanāvida Kǣma,
Sellakkārayi Tāma, Kolu Kālē Gevenavā Elesema Santōsen Innē Hæmadāma!

Danī Hari Pramāṇē Kǣmaṭa Tunapaha Gāṇakaṭa,
Kana Bona Dēval Ganan Gannǣ Sata Pahakaṭa,
Nasarāni Avavāda Gannǣ Kanakaṭa,
Bāla Kālē Siṭa Hadāgattē Eka Gāṇakaṭa!

Gǣṇungē Kēnti Vagē Sōḍā Botalē,
Pæṭalunāṭa Udē Veddī Rat Venavā Kētalē,
Meheṭṭa Ganin Bōtalē,
Heṭṭa Venakan Pāṭi Dæmmat Dennē Nǣ Karaccalē,
Nǣ Bænda Bava Pasak Kalē!

Ubayi Mamayi Bedan Kanavā Edā Menma Adat Kehel
Nānava Ælē Dolē, Nætinam Maḍa Una Velē,
Poḍi Kālē Idānama Inna Un Eka Pilē,
Mæri Ipadunat Amataka Noveyi Magē Malē!

Rattaran Kellek Ekka Makkaṭeyi Ban Dǣvædi
Hoyāganna Amāruma Massinek Ya Māvæni,
Lassanama Naṁgalā Dækkat Hitaṭa Nokāvadī,
Innē Eka Kellayi Væni Vīrayek Sinamāvedi!

Lā Bāla Kālē Idan Ammalāgē Ukulē,
Mā Unā Bāla Kollā Kellō Tunak Ætulē,
Rajek Vagē Balā Gattē Tiyan Hisa Mudunē,
Venas Novēvī Ē Ādarē Passē Unat Magulē!

Nāki Velā Ātal Dānna Hitā Ganna Epā!
Taruṇa Kālē Vidapallā Jīvitē Særaṭa!

[ Hook – Jana | Dj Jnk ]
Mē Kollō Kellō Kālē,
Væni Væni Ātal Ekē Inna Ōnē,
Nætinam Nāki Velā Tamā Rālē,
Maragātē Dānna Ōnē!
Ada Kālē,
Væni Væni Ātal Ekē Inna Ōnē,
Nætinam Nāki Velā Tamā Rālē,
Maragātē Dānna Ōnē!

Barapathala Wada Sahitha Lyrics | Manamala Mahatha | Surangana Lyrics English Meaning

Dear groom, after today you are the last one
From now on, you will not be able to eat good food
Amidst many scoldings, you will have to endure
After work, there will be no parties, at home at five

The time of love is over, in the evening, it is dark,
Today, friends, relatives and friends
There is a rag of clothes in the bride’s house, I put my clothes on the door
You are not a little boy, now you have a big responsibility…

In the beginning, love was the beginning, later, when time passes,
It will fall over, your sarong that was left on the door
Don’t stay for a moment, take the sarong with your beautiful feet
My daughter, Susanthika’s time If you see a beautiful girl, look at her, she must be thinking, “No, I won’t tell you now, I’ve said a lot of things now, if I tell you more, you’ll be scared.” You and I shared a meal, one leaf at a time. Will our fun last? Yes, you are right. Your brain will be burdened with responsibility. Look for milky sugar lentils. You will go to the market. Tell the truth, don’t hide lies. Look at the other side. Girls are tied with gold chains and wear gold rings. Happiness is overflowing. If you are sad, hide it. A piece of paper is a piece of paper, a man’s mouth is a piece of paper. The full package. A life-time story is coming
That’s a joke, if it goes around, it becomes a mourning
Initially a riot, then a chest riot

Tables, chairs, cupboards from the back of the lorry, a widow’s entourage
You will give your brother-in-law what you asked for, Even if the stars are in the sky
His house will be lonely, It’s unbearable
A house full of scum, Don’t you go and get it

[ Hook – Moniyo ]
A fairy, brought in form,
A serious prison sentence!
The kandan is coming, cheering,
Knowingly knowingly knowingly taking a case! //

[ Rap – Jana | DJ JNK ] | Reply to Moniyo

Don’t you know that there is no comfort in the bed,
If you get married and become lazy, there will be no happiness!
Life is short, but the track is not good!
The one who shares happiness and sorrow knows how to do it right!!

Three meals…. They give food in a cooperative manner, food that is not tasty,
They are still playful, they spend their childhood happily like that, they are always happy!

They know how to eat the right amount for three or five cents,
They don’t count the things they eat and drink for five cents,
They don’t take advice from the wise,
They have been trained since childhood for one count!

The soda bottle is like the anger of women,
The kettle heats up in the morning for the little ones,
They count the bottle for the little ones,
Even if they throw parties until dawn, they don’t give it to the little ones,
They made it clear that they are married!

You and I are still fighting, just like we used to,
When we bathe in the river, or when we get muddy,
When we were young, we were the same,
Even if we were born dead, I will not forget you, my dear!

I am the hardest cousin to find,
Even if I see the most beautiful sisters, I will not be moved,
But there is only one girl in the cinema!

Since I was young, I was on my mother’s lap,
I was the youngest boy among three girls,
I was taken care of like a king,
Even after that love, it will not change, even if it is later, it will be hell!

Don’t think of having fun when you are old!
Let’s enjoy life while you are young!

[ Hook – Jana | DJ JNK ]
These boys and girls,
You have to have fun,
Or you’ll grow old and be miserable,
You’ll have to leave them behind!

You have to have fun,
Or you’ll grow old and be miserable,
You’ll have to leave them behind!


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Magampura Records


Manamala Mahatha