BHASHI – Dahasak De Lyrics
BHASHI – Dahasak De Lyrics in English
Sī Sīkaḍa Visirunu
Gaṁgāvan Nævatunu
Maṁmāvat Diga Ævidapu
Ē Lassana Ē Kālē
Nētrāvan Sanasapu
Sīmāvan Pæradunu
Api Nǣ Sit Sē Tanivunu
Kō Dæn Kō Ē Vāgē
Nuba Pamāvī Giyat Mē Dahasak Dē Mæda Pāvī Giyat
Dura Ahasē Yanna Balanna Pāṭa Lova Ǣtin Idan
Dahasak Dē Mæda Tanivunat
Supurudu Hæguma Ræyaka Hita Hadayi Nam
Davasaka Pæya Nævatunot
Gilivunu Ræyē Unuhuma Dæneyi Dō Dæn
Nuhuruyi Ridum Tæn Mē Dahasak Dē
Hit Pǣruvā Nam
Mē Sāda Nādē Pāva Pāvī Ǣta Yāvī Atīten Mā
Vīduru Lovaka Tanivuna
Dura Ǣta Pēna Vinivida
Api Nǣ Dakina Situvam Vala
Sīrum Ridum Hæra
Tibunat Asīruma Tænvala
Matakayi Hīna Mama Pahukara
Aśā Novana Dæhænaka Rasa
Kāṭat Nokī Māgē Hīnayē
Nuba Pamāvī Giyat Mē Dahasak Dē Mæda Pāvī Giyat
Dura Ahasē Yanna Balanna Pāṭa Lova Ǣtin Idan
Dahasak Dē Mæda Tanivunat
Supurudu Hæguma Ræyaka Hita Hadayi Nam
Davasaka Pæya Nævatunot
Gilivunu Ræyē Unuhuma Dæneyi Dō Dæn
Nuhuruyi Ridum Tæn Mē Dahasak Dē
Hit Pǣruvā Nam
Mē Sāda Nādē Pāva Pāvī Ǣta Yāvī Atīten Mā
BHASHI – Dahasak De Lyrics English Meaning
C. Sikkada scattered
The rivers stopped
I walked a long way
That beautiful time
Soothed the eyes
Defeat the limits
We are not lonely
Where now where like that
Even if you are late and float in the middle of these thousand things
See the color world go far in the sky from afar
Even if you are alone in the midst of a thousand things
If the usual feeling makes up the mind overnight
If the clock stops one day
Do you feel the warmth of the sunken night now?
These are a thousand unfamiliar and painful places
If you are upset
I am from the past, floating away from the sound of this party
Alone in a glass world
See far and wide
In the paintings we do not see
Except for scratches
Even in the most difficult places
I remember the dream
Tastes like a non-Asha
In my dream without telling anyone
Even if you are late and float in the middle of these thousand things
See the color world go far in the sky from afar
Even if you are alone in the midst of a thousand things
If the usual feeling makes up the mind overnight
If the clock stops one day
Do you feel the warmth of the sunken night now?
These are a thousand unfamiliar and painful places
If you are upset
I am from the past, floating away from the sound of this party
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