Release Date

Oct 29, 2023

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Euro Soya Lyrics

Euro Soya Lyrics in English

Uḍu Guvanin Giyē Num̆ba Hæra Vena Dēśayak Karā
Gatavī Avurudu Gānak Ada Ræyat Laṁvelā
Kāsi Panam Dollar Euro Apē Atē Gævasilā
Whiskey On Rocks Charlie Gram Joint Māva Mat Kalā

Gav Gānak Dura Ǣta Raṭaka Ræya Pahan Kalē
Situvili Yaṭapat Vennaṭa Mama Māva Mat Kalē
Vunat Mama Magē Ekama Haturā Mama Maṭa Katā Kalē
Magēma Lōkē Man Picasso Brō Ē Yathārtenē

Pṛtuviyen Ǣtvī Vena Lōkeka Pāvī
Mā Dæn Yāvī Ada Mesē
Kohē Giyat Lōkē Api Ātal Party
Rǣ Elivevvī Dinak Gatavuṇē

Uḍu Guvanin Giyē Num̆ba Hæra Vena Dēśayak Karā
Gatavī Avurudu Gānak Ada Ræyat Laṁvelā
Kāsi Panam Dollar Euro Apē Atē Gævasilā
Whiskey On Rocks Charlie Gram Joint Māva Mat Kalā

Bērum Karaganna Bǣ Baṁ Mē Dahasak Dēval Eka Tæna Porakaddi
Mē Tērum Ganna Ōnā Venas Venne Hæmadēma Kālet Ekka Pahuveddi
Penumen Nemē Aḍo Balanna Ōnā Lassana Gahak Unat Daḷu Eddi
Mē Andhakārēt Kāret Eli Karan Baṁ Taruvak Pāyannē Ahasat Kalu Veddi

Katāvak Neveyi Mē Disney
Vennē Mehe Māra Siddhi
Mē Dollars, Euro, Paum Atē Kærakeddi
Jīvita Baṁ Māra Risky
Mē Ātal Kōṭi Ganan Miss Vī
Innē Pāṭa Lōkeka Lsd
Mē Balan Iddi Gahan Enne Baṁ Karumē Āpassaṭa Vagē Frisbee

Bohō Dēval Piḷiganna Veyi
Mē Bohō Tænvala Ivasanna Veyi
Duka Nasanna Visak Otanna Veyi
Mē Maṁ Danna Dē Kaṭṭa Kanna Veyi

Taniyama Duvannē Hantānē
Pāveyi Kelavaraṭa Saṁsārē
Nǣ Nodanna Pāre Neveyi Maṁ Āvē
Baṁ Mē Kohē Giyat Hita Laṁkāvē

Gav Gānak Dura Ǣta Raṭaka Ræya Pahan Kalē
Situvili Yaṭapat Vennaṭa Mama Māva Mat Kalē
Vunat Mama Magē Ekama Haturā Mama Maṭa Katā Kalē
Magēma Lōkē Man Picasso Brō Ē Yathārtenē

Maṁ Māt Ekka Mē Gamana Ævit
Nǣ Navattannē Nǣ Uḍaṭa Nǣvit
Maṁ Tiyan Innē Kāvat Mīṭaren Lagin
Mē Gamana Vehesayi Āvē Bādhaka Mædin

Viśvāsa Karannē Maṁ Kāvada
Kavida Āda⁣ren Elannē Pāvaḍa
Edā Passaṭa Ænna Un Dæn Māḷaga
Maṁ Hadavata Dunnā Kalāvaṭa

Vāsanāva Nemeyi Agayannē Utsahayi
Ada Nætuvaṭa Heṭa Maṭa Hadapāyayi
Kolē Atē Kærakeddi Kollō Vaṭē Yāyayi
Poḍi Kālē Idan Hodavennǣ Ratha Gāyayi

Sæpa Dæmmama Duka Visivennē Piṭi Passen
Kalabala Velā Api Nǣ Ḍō Bæssē
Api Eddi Um̆ba Hiṭiyē Daṇissē
Vadan Gindara Putā Ælluvot Piḷissē

Dilisenna Ōna Tæna Dilisenna
Maṁ Dannavā Tænakaṭa ⁣hemin Pivisenna
Paṇadena Unṭa Ōnē Bilidenna
Maṁ Balan Innē Kāva Kāvat Uḍin Piḷiganna

Yurō Kola Ekka Vætirilā Sādē
Goḍa Āvē Hemihiṭayi Væṭunu Agāden
Pipāsitayi Ræpa Vagē Maṁ Pisāci
Væradunot Kollō Heṭa Daḍuvam Sitāsi

Pṛtuviyen Ǣtvī Vena Lōkeka Pāvī
Mā Dæn Yāvī Ada Mesē
Kohē Giyat Lōkē Api Ātal Party
Rǣ Elivevvī Dinak Gatavuṇē

Euro Soya Lyrics English Meaning

Went up in the sky to a land other than you
Many years have passed and tonight is near
Dollars and Euros are stuck in our hands
Whiskey on Rocks charlie gram joint got me drunk

Many cows spent the night in a far away country
I drug myself to drown out the thoughts
However, I am my only enemy, I told myself
In my own world, I am a Picasso bro

Floating away from the earth in another world
I have now gone today
Wherever we go, we are the funniest party in the world
A day has passed since the night came out

Went up in the sky to a land other than you
Many years have passed and tonight is near
Dollars and Euros are stuck in our hands
Whiskey on Rocks charlie gram joint got me drunk

It is impossible to settle when these thousand things are fighting in one place
You have to understand that everything changes with time
It’s not just the appearance, but it’s a beautiful tree that you want to see when the leaves come out
A star shines in this darkness and car, when the sky is black

This is DISNEY, not a story
Big things happen here
When these DOLLARS, EUROS, PAUM are spinning in the hand
Life is very RISKY
MISS these fun crores
There is LSD in a colorful world
While waiting, the FRISBEE is thrown backwards

Many things have to be accepted
You have to be patient in many places
A poison will be wrapped to kill the sorrow
This is what I know

Hantan runs alone
Floats to the end of the world
No, I did not come on the unknown road
Wherever you go, your heart is in Sri Lanka

Many cows spent the night in a far away country
I drug myself to drown out the thoughts
However, I am my only enemy, I told myself
In my own world, I am a Picasso bro

I have come with me on this journey
No, I won’t stop, I won’t go up
I’m a meter away from anyone
This journey was exhausting through obstacles

Who am I to believe?
Poems are also driven by love
Those who pulled back then are now behind
I gave my heart to art

Effort is not appreciated by luck
I need tomorrow without today
When the paper spins in the hand, the boys go around
Since childhood, car singing has not improved

When happiness is thrown, sorrow is thrown after flour
Worried, we went down
When we arrived, you were kneeling
Words burn if you touch the fire son

Shine where it shines
I know how to approach a place slowly
They want to be sacrificed for those who are alive
I am waiting to accept anyone above anyone else

It is made lying down with Euro paper
Came out of the abyss that fell slowly
I am a vampire, thirsty and hungry
If you make a mistake, the boys will receive a penalty summons tomorrow

Floating away from the earth in another world
I have now gone today
Wherever we go, we are the funniest party in the world
A day has passed since the night came out


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Produced by

Written By




Costa x Bloody x Alokaya


Costa x Bloody x Alokaya - Euro Soya (Official Music Video)