Release Date

August 25, 2023

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Hiriwatena Lyrics

Hiriwatena Lyrics in English

Hīna Dan̆gayæyi Kiyā Vinda Num̆ba
Hīnayaka Vin̆davanā
Pāva Dura Yamu Kiyā Kivva Num̆ba
Æyida Maga Nævatilā

Jīvitē Bara Nisā Kan̆dula Mā
Pavurakin Vaṭakalā
Ādarē Maga Kiyā Dunnu Mā
Æyida Dæn Tani Velā

Suhadē Samu Gannam Mā
Hækinam Dura Yannam Mā

Oba Noridā
Hiri Væṭenā
Kan̆duḷu Pavā
Maṭa Divurā

Yali Ridenā Hitak Nisā
Oba Matakē Aguḷu Kalā

Ālaya Mudu Hæn̆gumak Nam
Eya Kiyavū Desitak Dæn
Kālaya Mæv Asaraṇa Tæn
Ape Nævatuma Delovak Nam
Hæmatæna Hin̆da Sænasemu Dæn
Api Venuven Oba Jīvat Vē Nam

Dæn Samuganna
Hæki Dura Yanna
Maṭa Samu Denna..//

Hiri Væṭilā
Kan̆duḷu Pavā
Maṭa Divurā

Yali Ridenā Hitak Nisā
Oba Matakē Aguḷu Kalā

Hiriwatena Lyrics English Meaning

You said dreams are naughty
Enjoying a dream
You said let’s go far away
Why is the road stopped?

I am crying because of the weight of life
surrounded by a wall
I taught the way of love
Why are you alone now?

I will say goodbye
I will go far if possible

You are not sick
Even tears
swear to me
said goodbye

Again, because of a heart
You locked the memory

If dating is a romantic feeling
It’s been a fortnight since I read it
Time created helpless places
If our stop is two worlds
Let’s sit and relax now
If you live for us

Say goodbye now
Go as far as possible
say goodbye to me..//

Even tears
swear to me
said goodbye

Again, because of a heart
You locked the memory


Latest Lyrics

The song's writer, Lin-Manuel Miranda, was inspired by a line in the movie where the grandmother says, "We don't talk about Bruno." Miranda found the line intriguing and decided to write a song about Bruno, imagining him as a mysterious and misunderstood character. Miranda's lyrics capture the essence of Bruno, a character that nobody wants to talk about but who has a significant impact on the family's history.





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Hiriwatena ( හිරිවැටෙනා ) - Dinesh Gamage Ft @SamithaMudunkotuwa | Official Music Video