Kasi Panam | කාසී පනම්

Release Date

April 27, 2023

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Kasi Panam Lyrics

Kasi Panam Lyrics in English

Madu Mataṭa Lol Vecca Babaru Macaṁ
Kalatalā Botalē, Sæpa Vakkaraṁ
Sudu Akkā Porabæddē Tol Petī Hapaṁ,
Hæmadāma Nattal Tibbot Kāsī Panam

[verse 01]

Baḍu Vædīlā Olu Velā Pattīyaṁ
Poḍīkālē Idaṁ Kollanṭa Væḍī Grantīyak
Ataṭa Huruyī Mannet, Mal Vaṭiṭīyat
Sæpa Vīnda Prāna Mevā Haṁdīyak Haṁdīyak

Jātakē Sunaka, Ipadunē Gamaka Konaka
Aṁgammana Sumana Behet Dunnā Uṇaṭa
Ata Dālā Mutu Gattā Ōna Kunaka
Apāyak Dev Lovat Tibbē Hūvaka Duraka

Nīdīyannē Pædurē Væṭennē Nǣ Bīmaṭa
Pora Kukulaṭa Oṭṭuyī Hæma Pora Pīṭīya
Bokkaṭa Mal ,ṭokkaṭa Sada Guṭīya
Ræpa Uḍaṭa Kalatalā Sulī Sulīya

Sayīkalē Pæḍal Pāgalā Kakula Gevīlā
Magē Vadan Opa Væṭīlā Karījja Rælla Vædīlā
Mīgamu Kalapuvē Isso Pīssu Væṭīlā
Suddā Dālā Suddī Āvē Kalu Kollo Dækalā

Boom Sha Laka Laka Boom Sarama Velē Kollo Vænē

Boom Sha Laka Laka Boom Āvē Karē, Mataka Nætē

[verse 02]

Gattu Varamen Penavā Dæn Pas Yaṭat
Sāmayī Nayaṇayī Dæn Ræp Sal Gas Yaṭat
Kæssaṭa Pænīya Kollanṭa Væssaṭat
Jāḍī Lellame Kaṭa Gæsmaṭat

Pmage Vadan Dorē Vagē Karāmē Layīmē
Vayīn Kalē Rhyme, Galā Hena Rāja Tēlē
Inna Ṭīka Kāle Hitē Mokada Vayīrē
Nǣ Boru Śēlē, Ammā Dunnā Dayīrē

Lagīn Idalā Ærīyaṭa Ūṭa Budu Saranayī
Ægē Idalā Kana Kāpu Ūṭa Devī Pīhīṭayī
Liden Bīlā Kela Gæhuvaṭa Un Kuhakayī
Sattayī,sellamē Jātī 3 Sulabayī

Boom Sha Laka Laka Boom Sarama Velē Kollo Vænē

Boom Sha Laka Laka Boom Āvē Karē, Mataka Nætē

Kasi Panam Lyrics English Meaning

Babaru man who fell in love with Madu
Kalatala Botale, Sapa Vakaran
The white sister fought and bit her lip,
If it was Christmas every day, it would be a coin

[Verse 01]

Pattiyan fell head over heels
A gland has grown for boys since childhood
Handy manneth and flower worthy
These are the junctions of pleasure and soul

Jatake Sunaka, was born in a corner of a village
Angammana Sumana gave medicine for fever
Dropped hands and took pearls everywhere
Hell and God’s world were just a breath away

Nidiyan does not fall on the mat to drink
He won all the fights that were bet on the chicken
Flowers to the bay, beats to the beat
Sly Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli Suli

The pedals of the bicycle are worn out
My words have lost their luster and the waves have hit
Shrimp and fish have fallen in the Negombo Lagoon
White left and white came after seeing black boys

Boom sha laka laka boom like boys all the time

Boom sha laka laka boom come kare, don’t remember

[Verse 02]

It appears from the mandate taken and now the five are subordinate
Nayani Nayani is now under Rap Sal trees
Coughing boys to rain
Jadi Lellame to bite

Image words are like the door of the faucet
Wine made rhyme, flowing royal tea
What’s on your mind while you’re there?
No, it’s a lie, Shele, my mother gave it to me, Dayire

From time immemorial, it has been sheltered by the Buddha
He ate her ear and was crushed
They are hypocrites for drinking and spitting
True, 3 races are easy to play

Boom sha laka laka boom like boys all the time

Boom sha laka laka boom come kare, don’t remember


Latest Lyrics

The song's writer, Lin-Manuel Miranda, was inspired by a line in the movie where the grandmother says, "We don't talk about Bruno." Miranda found the line intriguing and decided to write a song about Bruno, imagining him as a mysterious and misunderstood character. Miranda's lyrics capture the essence of Bruno, a character that nobody wants to talk about but who has a significant impact on the family's history.




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