Naa Shoken (නෑ ශෝකෙන්)

Release Date

Jul 7, 2022

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Naa Shoken Lyrics

Naa Shoken Lyrics in English

Api Nǣ, Api Nǣ Śōken Innē..
Lala Lālā Lālā Lā
Venasak Nǣ Pennannē
Nǣ Maṁ Naṁ Nǣ Nāhen An̆ḍannē
Hituṇot Kṣeṇi Va Ussannē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā
Hituṇot Sērama Dan Dennē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā

Jīvitē Api Nānāvidha Evun Āśrē Karā Macaṁ Gāṇaṭa
Dorē Da Paḍē Da Sadde Kiyalā Nigamanēṭa Ennǣ Eka Pāraṭa
Veḍi Kālā Paṇa Giyat Pāvalā Dunnǣ Itihāset Kasa Pāraṭa
Kollo, Ṭræk Eka Atē Magē Turumpu Hārata

Ōne Hoyanna Ḍolars Miṭi Sākku Venna Tara
Asvaddannē Ræpa Magē Vacana Sorabora
At Ussanna Uḍaṭa! Kō Ræp Ahana Parapura
Depā Abhiyasaṭa Genāvā Api Surapura

Aran Āvē Mē Sindu Tālen Um̆balā Āsa
Æhuvotin Niṭṭāvaṭa Nivāraṇayi Dōsa
Halāvata Pkg Bhavana Karan Vāsa
Susaṁyōgaya Sidu Vuṇi Spmp +

Pāsā Mohotak Oḷuve Ipadennē Vacana Saru
Ādare Karami Ræpaṭa Tiyena Turu Hiru San̆du
Pannara Povapu Vadan Kaṭaṭa Nǣ Kīkaru
K80 Tamayi Mē Blāsṭ Ekē Maha Moḷakaru

Varak Æsuvan Sitin Mana Lol Venavā
Varam Ætto Api Sakvala Hollanavā
Cīs Vagē Um̆balage Ṭræks Tēreddi Dodol
Bless Ekak Karaganiṁ Sellama Nættaṁ Vadinnē Gaḍol

Hæbǣveyi, Hīnē Venuven Nidi Varapiya
Miyædenna Pera Malak Pæḍl Karalā Ma Balapiya..
Complete! , Tuna Mē Būsṭar Ḍōs Eka
Guṇados, Kiyanna Keḷin Galavalā Māsk Eka

Ek Pēḷiyak Mila Karanne Gāṇe Half Lakhs
Sæṇakeḷiyak Kollo Kello Ahannē Apē Ṭræks
Tāleṭa Pæddemu Nānana Nānā
K80, Prasa Kg Ekka Māgampura Śānā

Api Nǣ, Api Nǣ Śōken Innē..
Lala Lālā Lālā Lā
Venasak Nǣ Pennannē
Nǣ Maṁ Naṁ Nǣ Nāhen An̆ḍannē
Hituṇot Kṣeṇi Va Ussannē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā
Hituṇot Sērama Dan Dennē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā

Gena Hæra Pāmi Mesē Uṇusum Puvat Maṁ
Perahæra Yāvi Dasaatē Puvak Mal
Heṇa Durak Baṁ, Gevalā Āvē Maṁ Mē
Puruddaṭa Vaḍā Lokuyi Ape Unṭa Janmē

Kal Balā Suba Mohotaka
Onna Āye Ræpa Genāvā Bolāgē Dōtaṭa
Mama Gamē Ḍolki Palapu Vādaka
Ræpa Dīlā Raṭē Unṭa Kǣvā Vagē Mōdaka

Inne Ful Jenṭā Bonne Vel Pænṭā
Daṇa Gāgena Geṭa Āvot Lepṭ Venavā Daṇissa
Mulin Api Ræp Karē Apiṭa Ātal Piṇisa
Dæn Ēma Bǣ! Gēma Illanō Prēkṣaka Pirisa

Kālekin Āye Kuṇāṭu Gigurum Ekka Ṭonāḍō
Ḷapaṭi Bārs Oyāge Dækalā Maṭa Hināḍō
Kuṇu Næ Hitvala Ape Salli Næ Potvala Ape
An̆ḍala Pasutævilā Mokaṭa Hatvalāmē

Eḷipeheḷi Karala Māvata
Ussā Dunnā Ræpa Api Mulasuna Gāvaṭa
Ē Æhennat Ekka Han̆dē Hāvaṭa (Māgampura)
Maye Putā Sadde Væḍi Karamu Ḷāvaṭa

Raṭē Lōkeṭa Pampōri Lakseṭa Koḍi Dāna
Karapu Lav Ivara Vuṇe Būṭen
Pāra Hiṭinna Iraṭṭen
Gahannōna Lav Karāṭa Paraṁgiyā Giyā Vage Kōṭṭē

Api Nǣ, Api Nǣ Śōken Innē..
Lala Lālā Lālā Lā
Venasak Nǣ Pennannē
Nǣ Maṁ Naṁ Nǣ Nāhen An̆ḍannē
Hituṇot Kṣeṇi Va Ussannē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā
Hituṇot Sērama Dan Dennē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā

Dæn Eka Pāra Mē Vadan Væṭuṇu Gaman Overdose Yayi Ahapaṁ Parissamen!
Kṣaṇika Hadavat Ussalā Æti Tēreddi Ma Ātal Vadaneyi Eḷisameyi
Kilō Rasikayō, Piṇisa Mē Vacana Yuddhayē Spārṭakas Pirisa Mē
Aḍō Dukē Da? Duka Dāpaṁ Adhō Mukhēṭa Kaṇisamen!

Dæn Mal Samē Maṁ Mal Pārē Manōpāra Dāgena Karē Maha Pāren Manō Vidyāva Piḷivelaṭa
Juicy Jyi Māyi Eka Vagē Api Āsa Ma Laṁkāve Nil-kaha-ratu Galvalaṭa
Wiz K.yi Māyi Eka Matē Api Ahase Ma Dæn Pāvenne Raha Satu Malvalaṭa
Um̆be Ṭōk Hon̆dayi Tāle Næti Bayilavalaṭa
Mē Vadan Eka Pārin Ma Sailavalaṭa!

Kollo Maṁ Næti Ræp Gēma Dækala Kivvā
Ē Mē Nimenavā!
Kilō Fan Æti Taraṁ Aran Enavā Dækalā
Eminem Enavā!! Kalā Rasē Valā Assen Ennē
Vata Tiyeddi Sērama Ḷaṁ Vennē
Ḷaṁ Vena Taramaṭa Tava Dura Vennē
Hituṇot Um̆be Sērama Maṁ Dan Dennē (Paḥ Paḥ)
Śōken Nemē Sæpē Api Ahase Ma Innē!

Api Nǣ, Api Nǣ Śōken Innē..
Lala Lālā Lālā Lā
Venasak Nǣ Pennannē
Nǣ Maṁ Naṁ Nǣ Nāhen An̆ḍannē
Hituṇot Kṣeṇi Va Ussannē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā
Hituṇot Sērama Dan Dennē
Nana Nānā Nānā Nā

Jīvitē Api Nānāvidha Evun Āśrē Karā Macaṁ Gāṇaṭa
Dorē Da Paḍē Da Sadde Kiyalā Nigamanēṭa Ennǣ Eka Pāraṭa
Veḍi Kālā Paṇa Giyat Pāvalā Dunnǣ Itihāset Kasa Pāraṭa
Kollo, Ṭræk Eka Atē Magē Turumpu Hārata

Naa Shoken Lyrics English Meaning

We are not, we are not sad..
Lala lala lala la
It shows no difference
No, I’m not crying
If you think about it, you will pick it up
Nana Nana Nana Naa
If you want, you will give everything
Nana Nana Nana Naa

In life, we have met many different people
Do not come to the conclusion that there is a sound on the door or the door
Even though he was shot and killed, history did not betray him
Guys, the track has my trump cards in hand

All you need to find is a pocketful of dollars
My words are slanderous
Hands up! Where is the generation that listens to rap?
We have brought our feet to the edge of Surapura

I brought this song that you like
If you ask, Nittava is a remedy for guilt
Halawatha PKG Bhawana Karan Vasa
Harmonization was done by SPMP + A.H.S.

Words are born in the head every moment
I love you, sun and moon
Don’t listen to the words of Pannar
K80 is the mastermind of this blast

Once you hear it, you will be blown away
If there is a blessing, we will shake the bags
Your tracks sound like cheese
Make a Bless or the game will hit a brick

Fall asleep for the sake of the dream
Look after paddling a flower before dying..
Complete! , three is the booster dose
Gunados, take off the mask straight away

One line costs half lakhs
A festival where boys and girls listen to our tracks
Let’s swing to the tune Nanana Nana
Magampura Shana with K80, Prasa Kg

We are not, we are not sad..
Lala lala lala la
It shows no difference
No, I’m not crying
If you think about it, you will pick it up
Nana Nana Nana Naa
If you want, you will give everything
Nana Nana Nana Naa

Breaking news like this
Eighteen betel flowers will be paraded
It’s a long way, I came here after paying
We are born bigger than habit

Wait for a good moment
Here I brought rap again to Bola’s dota
I am the dolki palapu player of the village
It’s as if they were eaten in the country after being rapped

Full Genta is drinking Well Panta
If you come home on your knees, your knees will buckle
At first we rapped for fun
Can’t come now! The audience of the same game

Tornado with thunderstorms after a while
Hinado to me after seeing you young bars
There is no garbage in our minds, our money is not in our books
Why cry and repent?

Clear the road
Raised the rapa to the chair
With that hearing, to the hare in the moon (Magampura).
My son, let’s turn up the volume

Pampori Lakse flag to the world of the country
The love made ended with Buten
The road is even
It’s as if Gahannona went to love Kara

We are not, we are not sad..
Lala lala lala la
It shows no difference
No, I’m not crying
If you think about it, you will pick it up
Nana Nana Nana Naa
If you want, you will give everything
Nana Nana Nana Naa

Once you hear these words, you will overdose, be careful!
Instantly heart-warming, funny words are revealed
For Kilo fans, this is the Spartacus of the word war
Are you sad? Don’t worry about your mouth!

Now, in Mal Sami, I put on Manopara in Mal Road and did psychology in order from Maha Road
Like Juicy J and me, we love the blue-yellow-red stones of Sri Lanka
Wiz K. and me on top of each other, we are floating in the sky now to the flowers of Raha
Your talk is good for tuneless ballads
These words to the cells at once!

The boys saw the rap game without me and said
That’s it!
After seeing Kilo Fun bringing enough waves
Eminem is coming!!

A.H.S.N Kala Rase comes from the corner of the cloud
When there is water, everything comes closer
The closer you get, the further away you get
If you think so, I will give you everything (pah pah)
We are in the sky, not sad!

We are not, we are not sad..
Lala lala lala la
It shows no difference
No, I’m not crying
If you think about it, you will pick it up
Nana Nana Nana Naa
If you want, you will give everything
Nana Nana Nana Naa

In life, we have met many different people
Do not come to the conclusion that there is a sound on the door or the door
Even though he was shot and killed, history did not betray him
Guys, the track has my trump cards in hand


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K80 Entertainment


K80 x Shan Putha x Prasa Kg - Naa Shoken (නෑ ශෝකෙන්) | [Official Visualizer]