සෙරන්ඩිබ් මල් අමු සින්දුව

Release Date

Dec 11, 2023

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සෙරන්ඩිබ් මල් – Sanjeew Lonliyes Serandib Mal Lyrics

සෙරන්ඩිබ් මල් – Sanjeew Lonliyes Serandib Mal Lyrics in English

Æbrōḍ Vala Pāravalvala Suddo Atarin Māt Ævidinavā…
Dakina Nodakina Seranḍib Mal Kāsi Hulan̆gaka Ohē Igilenavā…
Ālē Uṇuhuma Ōne Kālema Hīta Rituvaka Hādu Bon̆davenavā…
Ēt Ē Avasāna Hāduva Tāma Hadavata Asse Kakiyanavā…

Vāvagannaṭa Bærima Tænvala Kiyāgannaṭa Bæri Katandara
Sayanavala Ban Ohē Liyavenavā…
Henama Diga Maha Rǣka Davasaka Valākuḷu Uḍa Duka Tavaragena
Seranḍib Mal Ohē Pāvenavā…

Brǣnḍaḍsaḷu Kabā Assen Tadaṭa Nupurudu Vehesa Haṁganavā
Ayiskan̆du Giṇikan̆dut Ekkalā Puṁci Lōkal Ḍayal Hæppenavā…
Vīdī Sarasana Pahaneḷi Yaṭa Dahasgāṇak Katā Miminenavā…
Ǣta Gamvala Tælunu Hit Peti Lōke Kohehari Āye Næn̆giṭinavā…

සෙරන්ඩිබ් මල් – Sanjeew Lonliyes Serandib Mal Lyrics English Meaning

I also walk among the white people on the roads abroad…
Unseen serendib flower coins fly in the wind…
The kisses of a cold winter fade away whenever it’s hot…
But that last kiss still hurts my heart…

Untold stories in the most unlikely places
You are writing on the couch…
On a long, late night, sadness spread over the clouds
Flowers of serendipity float in you…

Branded coats hide unfamiliar weariness
Small local dials collide with icebergs and volcanoes…
Thousands of stories whisper under the street lights…
Broken hearts in distant villages rise again somewhere in the world…


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Sanjeew Lonliyes


Serandib mal Sanjeew Lonliyes සෙරන්ඩිබ් මල් අමු සින්දුව.