Release Date

Jul 4, 2024

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Sarusara Goyam Mal Lyrics – Milinda Geeth Angale Lyrics

Sarusara Goyam Mal Lyrics – Milinda Geeth Angale Lyrics in English

Saru Sāra Goyan Mal Pīdena Kāle Hulan Ræl
Api Dāpu Arungal Pāvena Prāṇa Sarungal.
Rǣṭa Kǣ In̆dul Davasaka Vēvi Raja Bojun
Topi Tāma Pana Piṭin Virasaka Hīna Kara Tiyan.

Eka Yāyaṭa Pāyana Pōyaṭa Mē San̆da Gānaṭa Māru Velā
Ē Vage Pāraṭa Bæssama Māraka Putrayo Lāvaṭa Hāda Velā.
Dhāraka Prēmeka Vēlena Hāmata Jīvita Nāki Velā
Angālē Sansāra Gaṁn̆gāva Kændāna Yandāka Bandā Ran Oruvakā
Hændǣve Santāpa Santōsa Sanvāda Sancāra Mal Tāra Suvan̆daṭā.

Ā.innat Nǣ Kannat Nǣ Bonnat Nǣ Yannat Nǣ Apinan Dannǣ Ban Ōn.
Maṭa Gassan Ǣ Paddan Ǣ Vaṭṭakkā Passak Ǣ Sītala Madana Dōn.

Aḍa Dabara Kāleka In̆dala
Vāsē Man Pilaṭa Pædura Eḷala
Māsen Gat Væṭupa Davasin Hin̆dila
Kārī Nǣ Manasin Han̆daṭa Væḍalā.

Lontu Vatte Strī Ḷiṁga Badan
Mēkē Hætta Nidan Inne Konittapan
Nāki Sudda Vavan Kanna Raṭak Hadan
Nāḍi Porak Unanduven Harak Vadān.

Balan Kaḍatura Hæra Dǣsē
Um̆ba Varen Mage Putā Pera Gātē
Api Yanin Gaman Inne Mara Gātē
Tani Ætek Kaṭin Bola Parakāsē.

Saru Sāra Goyan Mal…

Sarusara Goyam Mal Lyrics – Milinda Geeth Angale Lyrics English Meaning

Hulan Ral when the fertile goyan flowers are pressed
The arungal that we put is a floating prana sarungal.
Raja Bojun will be on a nightly feast day
You still have a rift.

This moon has moved to the moon
When they went down the road like that, the sons of Maraka were very close to each other.
A host’s love is dried up and the life is old
Angale Sansara Ganga Kandana Yandaka Banda Gold Boat
In the evening, happiness, happy conversations, visits, flowers and tar smell.

B. We don’t know whether to stay, eat, drink, or go.
I’m sick, she’s paddan, she’s a pumpkin passak, she’s cold.

From the time of half a fight
Lay the mat for Vase Man team
Salary taken in a month is sitting in a day
It’s not good to grow to the moon with your mind.

Women’s baths in Lontu garden
Konittapan has seventy treasures in this
Make a country to plant and eat the old whites
Nadi Parak is eagerly talking about cattle.

Look at the excuse
You are my son’s first song
We are on our way to Maragate
A single elephant eats food from its mouth.

Fertile flowers…




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Written By




Milinda Geeth


Angale අංගාලේ - Milinda Geeth (M'Lin)

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