Sundara Landa "සුන්දර ලන්දා "

Release Date

Feb 9, 2022

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Sundara Landa Lyrics

Sundara Landa Lyrics in English

Sundara Sundara Landā
Maṁ Gindara Gindara Vindā
Sankara Pempuravan Mā
Dæn Bāriṭa Karakan Yannā

Lāvaṭa Ratu Hændǣvē
Mōranakoṭa Ālē
Bādaka Næti Malpārē
Pānagamuda Sītē
Kālaya Gevunē Hādu Vimānē
Kōmala Pǣvē Āsa Nisānē

Mē Hændǣve Pælē , Maṁ Taniyama Manōpārak
Vædunā Madi, Maṁ Otanavā Tavapārak
Mavanne Svargayak, Ædī Ena Hulaṁpārat
Maṁ Enne Num̆bava Balanna Tamayi Hæmadāmat

Ǣtakin Num̆ba Ævidan Eddi Niyarē
Rat Una Hægīm Valin Hadavata Diyavē
Num̆be Hināvayi Sænasīmayi Dura Viyatē
Sanātha Karanna Deyak Nǣ Ēka Niyatē

Maṁ Āsa Dē Oya Læjjāva Baya
Ǣ Kæmatima Pæya, Mē Hændǣvē Haya
Ǣ Āsayi Alut Karanna Matakaya
Maṁ Kæmati Vacane Akamæti Vacanaya

Api Atarē Kohetma Næhæ Bādhāvak
Num̆be Æs Kiyanne Amutu Bhāśāvak
Dæn Enna Kelle Api Dennā Pāvelā Yaṁ
Maṁ Inna Lōkē Tanikara Māyāvak.

Āvaṭa Mama Malpārē
Bōvenavada Ālē
Rǣvenakoṭa Unmādē
Koyi Yanavada Rālē
Nābara Vayasē Hīna Davālē
Kōmala Pǣvē Hādu Avārē

Oyā Tērum Gannepā Mēka Varadavā
Navatinna Āsa Nǣ Eka Tænaka Mā
Namut , Oyā Laṁveddi Tava Tavat, Ǣt Venna Hitun Nǣ Maṭa Kavadāvat

Mama Bæn̆dunā Kelle Sīmāva Ikmavā
Num̆ba , Hadavatē Ædi Sittamak
Mē Mandāramē Num̆ba Poda Væssak Vagē
Temenna Āsa Hindā Ākāsen Bæsse Maṁ

Oyā Pantibhāra Teacher , Maṁ Nasarāni Lamayek
Kavadāvat Bērenna Læbennǣ Mage Vadayen
Ē Nisā Maṭa Nǣ Oyāge Avadhānen Aḍuvak
Maṁ Duvannē Nǣ Hemīṭa Tōraganna Daḍuvam

Sundara Landa Lyrics English Meaning

Beautiful beautiful land
I enjoyed the fire
Sankara Pempuravan Ma
Now go to Bari

In the light red evening
Ale when ripe
Uninterrupted Malpara
Panagamuda Seethe
Time passed in the kissing plane
It was tender because of love

This evening, I’m alone in the house
Hitting is not enough, I wrap it again
A heaven is created, and the wind blows
I always come to see you

When you walk from a distance, you see
The heart melts with heated feelings
Your smile and comfort are far away
There is nothing to prove, that’s for sure

What I love is that shame and fear
Her favorite hour is six in the evening
She likes to renew her memory
I like the word I don’t like the word

There is no obstacle between us
Your eyes are a strange language
Come now, girl, we are both floating
I am a lonely illusion in the world.

I am in Malpara
Is it contagious?
Crazy at night
Where are you going Raleigh?
Nabara’s daydreams
The soft kiss was off

You don’t understand, this is wrong
I don’t like to stay in one place
But, when you came closer, I never wanted to move away

I got married beyond the limits of the girl
You are a drawing of the heart
You are like a drizzle in this house
I came down from the sky because I wanted to get wet

You are a class teacher, I am a Nazarene child
You will never escape from my torment
So I don’t need your attention
I don’t run to pick punishments


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