Sunbun - සුන්බුන්

Release Date

May 1, 2023

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Suwahas Sunbun Lyrics

Suwahas Sunbun Lyrics in English

Raga Dennē Vēdikāve Galapannē Prehelikāvē
Malli Uba Tāma Yannē Bālikāvē
Mula Idan Pahalin Āve Ada Innē Māligāve
Venas Karā Kaṭṭe Idan Mālimāve
Næti Dēval Hitin Tamayi Bāragannē
Ēka Nisayi Nikan Idan Balen Hita Pāragannē
Ada Kālē Kanna Vēlak Nǣ Dæn Kala Pāpakarmē
Minissunṭa Sāpa Dennē

Raṭa Ada Sunbun
Tibba Ungē Gælavilā Redi Ada Nambut
Velā Piṭin Kambus
Tada Karan Yaṭin Nulen Gæhuva Gæṭē Taṁgus
Gahet Nǣ Jambut
Itin Mēva Balāgena Ubat Gahapan Bambut
Dænnan Kan Vahala Innē
Ahan Inna Bæri Nisā Giriyāva Kandus

Āyisamā Gunḍu Poḍi Kollō Marā Gannē
Pæti Bedan Ranḍuvē
Ā Mutu Dæn Nam Kanna Venne Pān Neveyi
Dān Kamu Api Dæn Hunḍuven
Kelin Tibba Raṭak Hæramiṭi Gahan
Ædan Yannē Ada Kunduven
Dāmu Api Pahak
Gēmak Gahana Kollo Āpu Nisā Yaṭa Biṁduven

Dakinnē Akāla Maraṇa
Man Mænikak Mē Patalen Garana
Denna Epā Udāmaharana
Āyet Mama Livve Næ Katāva Parana
Aruma Puduma Pahana Uḍaṭa Eddima Kahana
Iricca Tæninma Mahana
Mē Piricca Dænumayi Mahaṇa

Vidaganna Āsa Dēval Taniyen Vidaganna
Darāganna Kohomat Mama Āsayi
Hitāganna Bæri Dēval Vennē Lokē Eka Tæna
Gevi Yanne Dina Sati Māsayi

Vidaganna Āsa Dēval Taniyen Vidaganna
Darāganna Kohomat Mama Āsayi
Hitāganna Bæri Dēval Vennē Lokē Eka Tæna
Gevi Yanne Dina Sati Māsayi

Sarasavi Sisuviyak Sātanē Karā Agēṭa
Ægē Daivaya Liyavunē Pema
Me Samāje Kuriruda Etaram
Mē Pinnaṭa Væḍi Unā Hodaṭama Sema
Mē Katāva Kiyanne Taniyen
Gæraḍit Passen Pippuva Pena
Māva Pāga Bima Dāpu Ekekṭavat
Ada Illuve Næ Mama Hena

Itin Ætta Tamayi Mēka
Lōka Gōlē Kærakeddi Vaṭēṭa Duvayi
Mama Ætta Pætta Aran Kætta Gatta Nan
Mama Tissa Ævit Uba Muvayi
Meka Paṭṭa Kapaṭi Kayivāru Velāgena
Hadda Ḍoṭe Miriguvayi
Mama Śudda Śīlavanta Ekā Gæm̆buru Muhudē Goḍa Dālā Pihinuvayi

Māra Hæḍayi Rala Pāra Sæḍayi
Meka Vennē Eka Pāra Itin Māra Væḍayi
Giya Pāra Madæyi Kara Bāra Vædayi
Kara Bālā Iddi Ragapāna Hæḍayi
Uba Māna Balayi Gaga Pahala Galayi
Itin Bāla Veddi Kavurut Ahaka Balayi
Vaṭē Bādakamayi Lagapātakamayi
Denna Vādanayayi Mama Gāyakayayi

Vidaganna Āsa Dēval Taniyen Vidaganna
Darāganna Kohomat Mama Āsayi
Hitāganna Bæri Dēval Vennē Lokē Eka Tæna
Gevi Yanne Dina Sati Māsayi

Raṭa Vaṭēṭama Gini Poḍi Ekā
Tiyan Inne Baḍaginnē
Api Kohe Nævatunat Kohe Vælalunat
Tāmat Innē Mada Pinnē
Balan Innē Pana Dena Unma Tamayi
Kohe Itin Maṭa Varadinnē
Kohen Væradunat Ussana Aḍiyak Næhæ Mama Paradinnē

Mēke Manda Mānasika Leḍḍu Tāma Ædē
Koṭṭa Meṭṭa Badan Tāma Nidi
Ohe Kanda Kenda Karan Hitē Hirakaran
Innē Nætuva Yamu Rāmuven Midi
Hitē Gæmma Nætuva Karaganna Bǣ
Ēkayi Kǣvē Nættē Narit Midī
Siyaṭa Ekek Dennek Hari Allan Inna
Kaṭṭa Mama Bæhæla Itin

Mamama Liyāgatta Mē Katandare Avasāne
Liyā Denna Tava Kal Yāvi Gev
Lokeṭa Hitāganna Bæri Hīnat Ekka
Tāmat Eka Tæna Idi Mama Tava Kālayak Hādavevi
Apē Jivita Vala Tibunē Dukamayi Itin Unnenættē
Monavāda Vāda Novī
Dæn Vāda Vevi Inna Kal Nǣ Apiṭa
Gamana Yanna Ōna Pramāda Novi

Suwahas Sunbun Lyrics English Meaning

It’s a puzzle that plays on the stage
Brother, you are still going to the girl
The one who came from the bottom is now in the palace
Changed to the compass
Things that don’t exist are accepted by the mind
That’s why you just force your mind
There is no meal nowadays for the sin that has been committed
Curse people

The country is in ruins today
Their worn-out clothes are still called today
Time and time again
Underneath the tight ear, the thongus is hit with a string
Not even a tree, Jambut
So watch this and hit it too, Bambu
Now the ears are closed
Giriya is sad because he can’t listen

Aisama Gundu kills little boys
On the sidelines
Ah Muthu now eats not bread
Let’s eat alms now from Hundu
A country that used to be straight has been abandoned
Adan goes from Kundu today
Let’s make five
The boys playing a game came from below zero

Seeing premature deaths
I am a gem from this mine
Don’t give an example
Again, I did not write the story
When the wonderful lamp came up, he gasped
Sew the tear
Master this rich knowledge

Drill the things you want to drill alone
I love to endure anyway
Unthinkable things happen in one place in the world
Days, weeks and months pass

Drill the things you want to drill alone
I love to endure anyway
Unthinkable things happen in one place in the world
Days, weeks and months pass

A female university student was attacked by Satan
Her destiny was written by love
This society is so cruel
There was a lot of phlegm
This story is told alone
Pippa appears behind Garridy
Even to the one who put me on the ground
I didn’t ask for it today

So this is true
As the globe spins, it runs around
I took the true side and took the ugly one
I will come and meet you
This is a cunning brag
The voice is shrill
I am the pure and virtuous one and swim in the deep sea

The waves are huge
This happens once so it’s a big deal
Do the same as last time
When Kara was young, she was acting
You look at the river and the river flows down
So when you are younger, everyone looks away
Surroundings are closeness and closeness
I am the singer

Drill the things you want to drill alone
I love to endure anyway
Unthinkable things happen in one place in the world
Days, weeks and months pass

Around the country, the little one
Thien is hungry
No matter where we stop or where we die
He is still a little drunk
They are the ones who are waiting
Where am I wrong?
No matter where I go wrong, I will lose

This is because the mentally ill are still suffering
Pillows and mattresses are still sleeping
Ohe Kanda Karan Karan Hirakaran
Let’s get out of the frame
You can’t do it without heartache
That’s why the fox didn’t eat it
Hold on to one or two percent
Well, I’m down

This is the end of the story I wrote myself
It will take some time to write
With dreams that Loke cannot imagine
Still in one place, I will marry for some time
There was only sadness in our life, so it didn’t exist
Without arguing what
We don’t have time to argue now
It is not too late to travel




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Suwahas - Sunbun (සුන්බුන්) [Official Music Video]