Yali Hamuwanne Kedinada Api Lyrics
Yali Hamuwanne Kedinada Api Lyrics in English
Nuhuruya Maṭa Oba Næti Mē Kālē
Detænaka In̆da Mumuṇamu Ape Ālē
Demasak Yanna Enavā Gevī
Yali Hamuvenne Kedinada Api
Oba Vimasū Velē
Denuvan Tet Vunē
Enavā Matu Dinē
Obamayi Jīvitē
Mā Ādarē
Mā Ādarē
Ḷan̆ga Hin̆da Sipa Sanasannaṭa Bǣnē
Hada Naḷavana Obe Uṇuhuma Ōnē
Mage Hada Obama Soyanā Hæṭī
Api Æyi Mehema Apagen Midī
Demasat Yanna Enavā Gevī
Yali Hamuvenne Kedinada Api
Oba Vimasū Velē
Denuvan Tet Vunē
Enavā Matu Dinē
Obamayi Jīvitē
Mā Ādarē
Mā Ādarē
Mā Ādarē
Yali Hamuwanne Kedinada Api Lyrics English Meaning
It’s strange that I don’t have you at this time
Let’s whisper our love from two places
Two months have passed
When will we meet again?
When you asked
The hands were wet
Coming tomorrow
You are life
i love
i love
Can’t sit close and kiss
I need your heartwarming warmth
My heart is looking for you
Why do we get rid of ourselves like this?
Both months come and go
When will we meet again?
When you asked
The hands were wet
Coming tomorrow
You are life
i love
i love
i love
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Learn the steps to writing song lyrics that tell a compelling story. From choosing an idea or theme to establishing a setting and using descriptive language, these tips will help you craft memorable and meaningful lyrics that connect with listeners. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced songwriter, these tips can help you take your lyrics to the next level.